Why can’t swingers club businesses and similar venues co-exist on a friendly basis?
We started Eyz Wide Shut, Tampa’s premiere swingers club, full liquor bar and adult lodging over six months ago.
It was very sad to see all the jealousy and envy that surrounded our opening.
Competing businesses organized all their cohorts to “bad mouth” us whenever possible.
They reported every move we made. A Certain individual that classified himself as “A Wealthy connected individual” sent a barrage of emails to every government agency that existed. He even had the audacity to advise every swinger or person in the lifestyle to write to government agencies to shut us down. He conveniently included the addresses, email addresses and contact persons of whom to write complaint letters about Eyz Wide Shut.
This barrage last for over six months, and included 9 pages of emails.
It discussed certain aspects of individuals lives that had no bearing on Eyz Wide Shut.
It was very disturbing that people would write such slanderous comments for no reason.
It was all discovered in over 5,000 pages of emails that were uncovered from “Freedom of Information” act demands, FS 119 sunshine laws. This was no simple task.
Other individuals and competing businesses have spent considerable time and effort to contact government agencies themselves. They have spent countless hours writing derogatory comments on swinger club websites. They constantly write negative publicity about Eyz Wide Shut. The same feedback is finally starting to become mundane, monotonous, and not believable.
Imagine if all that wasted effort was put to some good purpose!
I wonder why their are fewer and fewer places where free spirited, individualistic people can find a safe haven to enjoy their lifestyle.
These club bashers have ridiculed Eyz Wide Shut wherever and whenever possible.
They have called us a “Homeless shelter”, and attempted to threaten and scare off anyone that would visit Eyz Wide Shut. They often stated that guests could be easily be arrested if they visited us.
They stated that Eyz Wide Shut was an illegal operation, and could be raided any time.
To their dismay Eyz Wide Shut has survived and flourished.
Eyz Wide Shut has succeeded in being the # 1 lifestyle full liquor bar and unique lodging in Central Florida.
Eyz Wide Shut has more licensing than probably any club in the United States.
These include, “SEXUAL ENCOUNTER CENTER” licensed by Hillsborough County, 4 other adult entertainment categories, including lingerie modeling, and other adult businesses, ADULT LODGING approved by the State of Florida, Full liquor bar 4 COP license, Bottle club license (recent court victory),
Not yet activated, 2000 SF outside alcohol service area for smokers paradise, (through extended wet zoning applications), and lots of future expansion plans.
Yes, the competitors insulted and laughed at our licenses.
They didn’t believe Hillsborough County has a “sexual business inspector”.
Yes, he is a real life person, and is paid by the county to visit adult businesses.
Not a bad job to get paid to visit strip clubs, pornographic establishments, and swingers clubs.
The competitors and their cronies continued to laugh and mock us, and claim all this information was false.
Eyz Wide Shut now has 11 theme suites, including Lover’s Lane, which is sort of a group play room.
We have repeatedly been inspected by every government agency known by man or woman.
Rooms are included free for members. This sexually charged environment allows for privacy as well as other type of sexual escapades. Yes, you are perfectly safe at Eyz Wide Shut.
This is like any other hotel or motel. Guests or members are protected under the 4th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Competitors have ridiculed and mocked our intense security features. Yes, it is a pain in the ass to go through metal detectors. I despise them myself. However, this is necessary to protect our guests from people that might not agree with their lifestyle. Also, it protects the guests from anyone bringing cell phones, cameras, and any recording devices into the privacy of their suites.
Many religious people might find the swingers lifestyle unacceptable. These type people think everyone must follow their values and morals and rules as gospel. We seem to have lost our individualistic spirits by government intervention into our everyday lives. This is another soapbox which I won’t write about here.
The gay population has succeeded in promoting their lifestyle by sticking together.
Unfortunately, many people still can’t accept their lifestyle.
However, they have made huge strides in employment, housing, litigation, equal rights, etc.
Meanwhile, many lifestyle couples must still live in the fear of darkness.
It seems we have gone backwards since the Hippie movement of the 1970’s.
Let’s all embrace each others right to engage in activities as long as we are consenting adults.
Let’s stick together and stop helping the authorities shut these type businesses down with lies.
Feel free to contact Eyz Wide Shut, 8504 Adamo Drive, Hwy 60, Tampa, Florida 33619, Eyzwideshut.com, telephone number 813-620-1234 with your support and commentary, good and bad.
Sincerely yours,